Hi 74, Lo 59
Lat/Lon 25 44.4 N, 80 13.5 W
We are still stranded in Miami, but we're not complaining, there are certainly a lot worse places to be stranded!
We’ve FINALLY had some nice weather! Yeeehaw! Three days in a row without rain, and two more expected! We’ve made good use of the time and nice weather. I’ve sanded and refinished all of the teak, and Sid has put new zincs on the propeller, resealed all the chain plates, and we’ve actually gotten to work on our tans a little. We were beginning to think we were going to have to go back to Washington with white bodies, but maybe not! :o)
We’ve also taken some nice walks around the area and had a drink or two is some cute open air bars. I have to say, Miami is actually quite pretty, well at least this area of town.
Here are a few random pictures from our ‘return trip’ up here, such as it has been.
This was from our anchorage off East Sister Rock at Melbourne. A rainbow after a really heavy rain and the subsequent moon rise afterward.
The men on board had a brutal fight regarding feeding schedules and rum rations!
Oh, it was a hideous, bloody battle!!!
Here's an example of how comfortable Gracie is with living the sailing life. She has not problem with taking a bath while under way on fairly choppy seas. She takes turns, dipping her head, and then each foot into her water dish. In between dips, she grabs on to the cloth that is bungied there, to keep her balance.
Here's Bo, checking out what's happening below deck. We must have been mistaken about his breed. He must not be an Aussie,... clearly he must be a Heeler, because he is very sure-footed and has no problem walking or standing when the boat heels.
Love the photos! And look how big Bo is! Who won that battle??
Great pics of Gracie-----she seems right at home. And Bo----look at him leaning for balance ! cool !
It was an ugly fight !
I love seeing all your pictures. I'm jelous that you have wonderful weather but I do have a ton of goldfinches at my feeders today!
Any pictures of the blown head gasket. Inquiring minds want to know....
Geeeze you find a few ponies and LF wants to see the pile. Enjoy the ponies !
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